Seaweed Farming

Ocean farmed seaweed harvests underway

Ocean farmed seaweed harvests underway

This year marks Australia’s first harvests of commercial-grade, farmed ocean seaweeds – the first in September, the second in November. Both harvests, in Tasmania, have occurred under the auspices of the Seaweed Solutions Cooperative Research Centres Project (CRC-P), funded through the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.

Seaweeds beckon tomorrow's farmers

Seaweeds beckon tomorrow's farmers

Beyond the populism of vegan superfoods, plastics alternatives and climate solutions, there is gathering research interest and financial support for seaweeds which could underpin a new plant-focused approach to aquaculture in Australia.

Seaweed – good for you, good for the planet

Seaweed – good for you, good for the planet

Jo Kelly is a Bribie Islander on a mission to build a world class seaweed industry in Queensland to regenerate oceans and create good jobs in coastal communities. Jo was recently awarded a Myer Innovation Fellowship, a prestigious award that goes to only three each year. The Myer Innovation Fellowships support the development of breakthrough solutions to Australia’s most pressing social and environmental challenges.